Category Archives: HTA News

Telford sings choir
Telford Sang

The choir from Holy Trinity Academy joined over 150 other students from local schools for the ‘Telford Sings’ event held at The Place (Oakengates Theatre) on Wednesday 20th March. The day consisted of singing workshops led by trained and experienced professionals and the evening ended with an outstanding concert. Well done to all involved.

Lessons from Auschwitz

On Wednesday 13th March, two of our Year 13 students joined the ‘Lessons From Auschwitz’ project on their annual trip to Poland. After landing in Krakow, students visited Oswiecim and its local museum which commemorates the former Jewish inhabitants of the city. Late morning they arrived at Auschwitz 1 for a guided tour of the […]

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Joining the Debate

On Friday 8th March, four of our Year 10 students represented Holy Trinity Academy at the annual debating competition held at the Queen’s School, Chester. The competition saw schools from across Cheshire and Shropshire compete in debates on this year’s topic ‘Society and the Individual’. During the course of the day students also took part […]

History parent classes
History repeating itself

It was back to school for parents of years 9, 10 and 11 recently having been invited to take part in a GCSE History lesson. They were guided through the GCSE course and even given a typical exam paper to attempt some of the questions themselves. Not only was this a great opportunity to find […]

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All fired up at ‘Flame 2019’

Students from Holy Trinity Academy were part of an 8000 strong crowd at Wembley Arena for Flame 2019, the largest event for Catholic young people in England and Wales. The theme for the day was ‘Significance’ and defined as ‘worthy of attention’, ‘with meaning’ and ‘important’. Organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation (CYMFED), the […]