Standards Card and Equipment Requirements

Every student is expected to have the following items with them at all times in preparation for lessons.

Bag (large enough to carry books to school)Rubber
2 black/blue biros (pens)Calculator
2 pencilsProtractor 360deg
Pencil caseSharpener
Reading book (not magazine)Planner
Red penHighlighter pen
Coloured pencils 
Glue sticks 
Green pen 

This list can be added to depending on subject requirements.

Drinks in lessons – only water.  Drinks are not permitted in Science Labs, computer rooms, workshops and the Learning Resource Area.

No fizzy or energy drinks are allowed.

No large packs of sweets or crisps are allowed.

Mobile Phones: – use of mobile phones/tablets will not be permitted in school.  If seen they will be confiscated.
