Publication Scheme
Guide to information available from Holy Trinity Academy under the publication scheme.
1. What we are and what we do
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
Instrument of Government | This details: the name of the school the category of the school the name of the governing body the manner in which the governing body is constituted the term of office of each category of governor if less than 4 years the date the instrument took effect |
Hard copy/ Website |
Nil |
Website | Statutory website information: The type of school The name, address and telephone number of the school The names of the Headteacher and Governors Information on the school’s policy on admissions A statement on the school’s ethos and values Information about the school’s policy on providing for pupils with special educational needs Number of pupil places |
Website | Nil |
2. Information what we spend and how we spend it
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
Annual budget plan | Details of how the budgeted income is to be spent over the current year and the school’s income and expenditure returns |
Hard copy | Nil |
Capital funding | Details of the capital funding allocated to the school, together with information on related building projects and other projects |
Hard copy | Nil |
School Fund | Details of income and expenditure of the school fund for the previous academic year |
Hard copy | Nil |
Procurement and projects | Details of the procurement procedure for the purchase of goods and services and details of contracts that have gone through the formal tendering process. |
Hard copy | Nil |
Pay Policy | Details of the school’s pay policy for teaching staff. This includes procedures for determining teachers’ grievances in relation to their pay. |
Hard copy | Nil |
Staffing and grading structure | Summary details of the staffing structures and grading |
Hard copy | Nil |
3. What our priorities are and how are we progressing
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
School profile | Pupil performance data | Hard copy/Website | Nil |
School profile | Latest Ofsted report including areas for improvement | Hard copy and website | Nil |
School improvement plan | A detailed strategic plan for improvement bringing together, in a clear and simple way, the school's priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the kev outcomes and targets it intends to achieve. |
Hard copy | Nil |
Performance management policy | The Performance Management policy and procedures adopted by the governing body relating to the appraisal of the staff and the annual report on the effectiveness of the appraisal process. |
Hard copy | Nil |
Future plans | Anv major proposals for changes in the school |
Hard copy | Nil |
Every Child Matters | Details of policies and procedures in place to support the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda. This includes policies and procedures in place with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in compliance with any guidance issued by the Secretarv of State. |
Hard copy | Nil |
4. How we make decisions
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
Admission policy/decisions | The school’s admission arrangements and procedures, together with information about the right of appeal. This will include details of the number of appeals, the number of applications, the number of successful applications and the criteria that they applied under. |
Hard copy and website | Nil |
Agenda and minutes of meetings of the governing body | Agreed agendas and minutes of the governing body and its sub-committees. |
Hard copy | Nil |
5. Our policies and procedures
Information published | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
School policies (statutory policies for publication on school website): |
Hard copy and website | Nil |
Absence Management Acceptable use - Pupils Acceptable use - Staff Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Anti-bullying Bring your own device Capability of Staff CCTV Curriculum Emergency Plan Exam Appeals Exam malpractice First Aid Grievance Health and Safety Teaching and Learning Maternity and Family Leave Record Management Registration and Certification Safer Recruitment Speak Up - Whistle blowing Staff Code of Conduct Staff Handbook Staff Induction |
Hard copy | Nil |
6. Lists and Registers
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
Curriculum maps | Details of the curriculum maps for each key stage group | Hard copy | Nil |
Asset register | A list of all the assets in the school | Hard copy | Nil |
7. The services we offer
Information published | Description | How the information can be obtained | Cost |
Extra-curricular activities | Details of extra activities that take place at school at lunchtime and after school |
Hard copy | Nil |
Educational leaflets | Promoting positive behaviourSafeguardinge-safety for parentsTherapy teamsPastoral careWellbeing team | Hard copy | Nil |
Student newsletters | Detailing what has happened in school in the last term and plans for the future. |
website | Nil |