Category Archives: HTA News

Readathon 4th – 8th March

All Year 7 and 8 pupils will be taking part in a ‘Readathon’ challenge and a range of world book day activities next week in their English lessons. ‘Read for Good’ is a charity which raises money to supply books for children in UK hospitals. You will be given a sponsorship form in your English […]

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Careers Inspiration Day

It’s never too early to look at career and study options. Year 8 students spent Impact Day exploring the many different career opportunities post-education, looking at the importance of developing and maintaining transferrable skills and even getting the chance to meet with different business ambassadors who shared the experiences of their journey. Thanks to the […]

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Geog Squad Lecture on Icelandic Volcanoes

‘A’ Level Geography students are pictured with Professor Fiona Tweed (right) at Staffordshire University recently where she delivered a lecture on the volcanic environments of Iceland. This visit was one of a series of lectures, the content of which will assist and supplement the students’ A Level coursework.

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An explosive journey through the history of Chemistry

Students at Holy Trinity Academy were treated to more exciting demonstrations as part of the Aspire to Higher Education programme, thanks to the University of Wolverhampton. They were taken on an interactive and explosive journey to learn about some of the most important discoveries and laws of chemistry and the people who invented them.

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Geography gets a taste of Parliament

Year 12 ‘A’ Level Geography students were privileged to tour the Houses of Parliament during a visit to London on Tuesday 12th February. They took part in a Representation and Voting workshop as well as a Q&A session with our local MP. Before returning, they also visited the Natural History Museum to explore and examine […]

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Fighting Crime – The Academic Way

As part of the ASPIRE to Higher Education programme, a group of Year 9 students attended a Crime Conference on Tuesday 12th February at Wolverhampton University. The conference gave the students an insight into different aspects of crime from the viewpoint of different academic disciplines including law, criminology, business, marketing and sociology. They took part […]