Key Stage 3
All pupils in years 7 and 8 study French for four hours per fortnight.
We follow the Expo 1 textbook, studying modules 1 – 3 in year 7 and 4 – 6 in year 8.
Below is an outline of the topics covered in each module.
Module 1
- Meeting people
- School objects and the alphabet
- Counting up to 20
- Saying when your birthday is
- Talking about the classroom
- Saying what colours things are
Module 2
- Talking about brothers and sisters
- Talking about your family
- Talking about your pets
- Describing yourself and others
- Talking about hair and eyes
Module 3
- Talking about where people live
- Describing your home
- Describing your bedroom
- Talking about what you do in the evening
- Telling the time
Module 4
- Asking about places in a town
- Asking for directions
- Where you are and where you are going
- Expressing opinions
- Ordering drinks and snacks
Module 5
- Talking about what you do in the morning
- Talking about your school subjects
- Giving opinions and reasons
- Talking about your timetable
- Talking about what you do after school
Module 6
- Talking about sports and games
- Talking about musical instruments
- Saying what you like to do
- At the leisure centre
- Going on holiday
Key Stage 4
In years 9, 10 and 11, French is an options subject, if
chosen pupils study French for 5 hours per fortnight.
We follow the Studio textbook and we use the Edexcel exam
In year 9 pupils study modules 1 – 3 in year 9, 4 – 6 in
year 10 and 7 and 8 in year 11. This leaves plenty of time for exam
Below is an outline of the topics covered in each module.
Module 1
- Revising family and describing people
- Revising places in the town and activities
- Talking about friends and what makes a good
friend - Talking about family relationships
- Making arrangements to go out
- Describing a night out with friends
- Talking about your life when you were younger
- Discussing role models
Module 2
- Revising sport and music
- Revising technology, films and TV
- Talking about sport
- Talking about your life online
- Talking about books and reading
- Talking about television programmes
- Talking about actors and films
Module 3
- Talking about food and meals
- Discussing and shopping for clothes
- Describing your daily life
- Talking about food for special occasions
- Using polite language
- Describing family celebrations
- Describing festivals and traditions
Module 4
- Talking about where you live, weather and
transport - Describing and town and asking the way
- Describing a region
- Talking about your town, village or district
- Discussing what to see and do
- Discussing plans and the weather
- Describing community projects
Module 5
- Talking about what you normally do on holiday
- Talking about holidays (past, present and
future) - Talking about an ideal holiday
- Booking and reviewing hotels
- Ordering in a restaurant
- Talking about travelling
- Buying souvenirs
- Talking about holiday disasters
Module 6
- Revising school subjects
- Talking about your school
- Comparing school in the UK and French-speaking
countries - Discussing school rules
- Talking about getting the best out of school
- Talking about a school exchange
Module 7
- Discussing jobs and work preferences
- Discussing career choices
- Talking about plans, hopes and wishes
- Discussing the importance of languages
- Applying for jobs
- Understanding case studies
Module 8
- Taking about what makes you tick
- Discussing problems facing the world
- Talking about protecting the environment
- Discussing ethical shopping
- Talking about volunteering
- Discussing big events