School Exam Policies

Policies address the practical implications of how to achieve the school's vision and are a key means of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions in our school. They are about ensuring highly effective teaching and learning, about safety and about basic human rights.

Exams Archiving Policy
Access Arrangements Policy
Alternative Rooming Arrangements Policy
Candidate Absence Policy
Candidate Identification Policy
Candidate Late Arrival Policy
Certificate Issue and Retention Policy
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (Exams)
Complaints Policy (Exams)
Conflicts of Interest Policy (Exams)
Data Protection Policy (Exams)
Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams)
Equalities Policy (Exams)
Escalation Process
Exam Contingency Plan
Food and Drink Policy (Exams)
Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal Assessment Decisions)
Internal Appeals Procedure (Review of Results & Appeals)
Leaving the Examination Room Policy
Lockdown Procedure (Exams)
Managing Behaviour Policy
Malpractice Policy (Exams)
Overnight Supervision Arrangements Policy
Special Consideration Policy
Whistleblowing Policy (Exams)
Word Processor Policy
Non-Examination Assessment
HTA Exams Policy
Lots of our school policies are available for you to view online. If there’s a specific policy that you want to read but can’t find below, please contact the school office where we will be glad to help. Paper copies available on request.