School Exam Policies
Policies address the practical implications of how to achieve the school's vision and are a key means of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions in our school. They are about ensuring highly effective teaching and learning, about safety and about basic human rights.
Exams Archiving Policy | |
Access Arrangements Policy | |
Alternative Rooming Arrangements Policy | |
Candidate Absence Policy | |
Candidate Identification Policy | |
Candidate Late Arrival Policy | |
Certificate Issue and Retention Policy | |
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (Exams) | |
Complaints Policy (Exams) | |
Conflicts of Interest Policy (Exams) | |
Data Protection Policy (Exams) | |
Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams) | |
Equalities Policy (Exams) | |
Escalation Process | |
Exam Contingency Plan | |
Food and Drink Policy (Exams) | |
Internal Appeals Procedure (Internal Assessment Decisions) | |
Internal Appeals Procedure (Review of Results & Appeals) | |
Leaving the Examination Room Policy | |
Lockdown Procedure (Exams) | |
Managing Behaviour Policy | |
Malpractice Policy (Exams) | |
Overnight Supervision Arrangements Policy | |
Special Consideration Policy | |
Whistleblowing Policy (Exams) | |
Word Processor Policy | |
Non-Examination Assessment | |
HTA Exams Policy |