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Music at Holy Trinity Academy involves students in two lessons per fortnight at Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8), and five lessons per fortnight as an option at Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11). We are committed to developing creating and performance skills in all our young people, whilst also encouraging them to be self -analytical, through observing and listening to their own and others’ work.

In Music, all students have the opportunity to experience music through the key areas of composing, performing and listening. There is the opportunity for students to learn to play an instrument and for students to develop their musical skills in a wide range of extra-curricular activities.

In Year 7, students learn how to use staff, graphic and other relevant notations appropriately in a variety of different musical contexts. They begin the year with a vocal music topic, exploring different vocal textures and techniques, before studying the basics of Rhythm and Pulse. They also explore the different sections and Instruments of the Orchestra, and are also introduced to the use of Pentatonic scales through Chinese Music.

In Year 8, pupils continue to develop creative skills in a number of composing topics. We explore the influences of modern popular music through musical hooks and riffs, learning how to perform key features of these styles. World Music is also a focus in Year 8, where pupils learn musical terminology and features through the practical contexts of African Music, Indian Music and Reggae. This provides opportunities for pupils to work both independently, in smaller groups, and also as a whole class ensemble. Pupils learn how composers use music technology soundscapes to create an intended atmosphere in a Music and Space topic which is based on Gustav Holst’s The Planets. They explore and compose music for a specific purpose, by composing music for film, in which they create their own soundtrack for a James Bond film, using leitmotifs, cue sheets and storyboards.

Music is offered both at GCSE and A Level, from 2019 following the Eduqas specification, building on the three key areas of Appraising, Performing and Composing, through solo and ensemble work, free choice and composition to a brief, and appraising skills including general listening and exam board set works.

Instrumental lessons are offered to all students through weekly visits from peripatetic teachers through Telford and Wrekin Music Service. Currently, lessons are offered in Keyboard, Guitar, Drums, Strings (Violin and Viola), Singing and Brass (Trumpet, Trombone and French Horn).

Extra-Curricular Activities

This is a fundamental part of Music at Holy Trinity Academy and our students respond with great commitment and enthusiasm to the clubs we hold at lunch times and after school. We believe very firmly that the skills acquired in these clubs feed back into our lessons, enhancing the quality of outcomes and promoting a strong interest in the Arts. Students can use the department for individual and group practice at lunchtime, and choir and band rehearsals take place weekly after school.

As a result of these clubs we are able to hold music concerts, musicals and serious dramas. Most recently, we have staged the Wizard of Oz, Little Shop of Horrors, Gizmo, Private Peaceful, Disco Inferno and Songs from the Shows.  These have been in addition to our Christmas Concerts, Carol Service and school Christmas fair, as performance opportunities in venues such as Oakengates Theatre and Lichfield Cathedral.