
The Department for Education require that all school websites contain certain information. To help you find the relevant information, we have created this page to provide shortcuts to key information within the school website or via external Department of Education or OFSTED sites.

General Information

Headteacher: Angus Neal

Please click here for our Mission Statement

Pupil Premium

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

To find out more about our Pupil Premium allocation, please click here.

Governor Information

Information on our Governing Body, Can be found here.


Please follow this link for our Admission arrangements.


Information on our Curriculum can be found across the top menus. For our Curriculum Statement, please click here.
Our British Values can be found here.
Our Curriculum Policy can be found here.


All School Policies can be found here.

Results & Performance

Our Ofsted report is here.

Performance data presented on the Department for Education’s School Performance Tables can be found here.

Details on our recent KS4 results are here.

% of pupils staying in education or going into employment after KS4 = 0