Pupil Premium & Service Pupil Information

Holy Trinity Academy of Priorslee

Pupils in school: 723

Number of services children: 26


According to the Department for Education ‘How schools secure the progress of children from the armed forces families: Good practice guidance’, children from armed forces families may be distinctive from other groups of children in a number of ways. These include:

  • Mobility The children are more likely than their peers to attend a number of different schools as they progress through the primary and secondary years
  • Social and emotional Children may experience stress or greater social and emotional pressures than their peers. One parent may be away from home for long periods of time and may be serving in a war zone.
  • Attendance The children may have lower attendance rates than their peers. Parents often request the child’s compassionate leave from school before or after a posting.
  • Parental involvement Parents may be reticent about taking on a longterm commitment to a school, such as taking a role as governor or on a Parent Teachers Association (PTA), simply because they expect to have to move.