AP Chemistry (Period 3)

AP Chemistry (Period 3)

I know you are wondering if this program will cover the units that you are studying. Below is a list of all the units and the lessons contained in the units. If you are using this as a curriculum, you can see that this Algebra Course contains a very thorough study of Algebra. If you are using this as a supplement to your studies, you will find many individual lessons guaranteed to suit your needs. In order to complete the entire course in the allotted time.

Unit Name Hours
Electron shell of an atom
Status of the electrons in the atom 20
Electron distribution rules 11
Pure substances and mixtures
The terms "blend", "component", "impurity" 18
The purity of the substances 23
Signs of individual substances 20
Signs of-the individual substantses
Variety of chemical reactions characteristic plan 18
Initiation of the reaction conditions 23
Flow reaction conditions 14
Signs of reaction 23
Reaction types - the connection and the expansion 34



Consent Form

Holy Trinity Academy has an extensive IT Provision that the students have access to
throughout the school day. Access to resources such as the internet allows students to
browse thousands of educational websites. The internet and other online resources are
filtered to ensure students are kept safe at all times. Whilst schools will do all they can
to guide pupils towards appropriate material, ultimately parents and guardians are responsible
for setting and conveying the standards that their chidren should follow when
using media and information resources

Holy Trinity Academy has specific systems and services that are designed for the delivery
of the curriculum, and to facilitate the daily management of pupil services. Some
such systems require that student, and in some cases, parent/carer data to be shared
with 3rd parties. The data shared is strictly monitored and never more than is required
for the service in question.

In some cases the 3rd Party may be required to take enhanced data (more than the
basic.) For clarity, we will include such details below.

Parents should be aware that if your child’s photograph appears in the newspaper, the
article and picture may well appear on the Newspaper’s own website and therefore parents
should only sign this consent if they are happy about this.

Please read each line below entitled, and sign where required:


I give permission for my child to access the internet whilst at school.
Not Sure

I give permission for my child to be photographed and named in the newspaper and the
school website articles relating to school or recorded for radio or television.

Not Sure

I give permisssion for my child’s data to be shared with 3rd parties for the purposes of
external homework sites, such as, but not exclusive to, Show My Homework, and confirm I
am aware they will take enhanced data. This will include SEN, attendance, parent
email, Key Stage results. I am aware my child will not be able to use this service if I do
not give consent.

Not sure

I give permission for my child’s basic data to be shared with 3rd parties for the purposes
of external curriculum content such as, but not exclusive to, GCSE Pod.

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I give permission for my child’s basic data to be shared with 3rd parties for the purposes
of external payment systems, such as, but not exclusive to, Parent Pay.

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Student & Parent Information

Parent Name:

Parent Forename:

Parent Surname:

Student Name:
Student Forename:

Student Surname:

Please select your child’s Tutor Group:

Previous Course Schedules
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